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Showing posts from July, 2012

Encyclopedia of Finding My Way Back

Today in writing class, we told our story in the form of an encyclopedia. Thus, my blog entry tonight. CIRCUMSTANCES Tragic death of a friend. Surgery of a loved one. Conflict. Vacation. Young adults. All excuses. Yet at the time, all good reasons to stop paying attention to my body. Or so I thought. CROSS COUNTRY It starts in less than a week. I am the coach. A coach that doesn't run? That's how I did it last year. This year, I want to run with the kids. DISGUST Ugh! For the past five weeks a war has been raging in my head. You need to get up off your butt and go for a run. Nah, stay on the couch. It is too hot. You are bound to pass out on your run.   Back and forth the argument went. Cheering on the one side, yet letting the other side win. Letting myself down each time I refused to get up. ENDORPHINS I was hooked on them just a few months ago. I couldn't get my fix often enough. The high that comes after a good run. And then the crash. No running for five we...