Was it just a week ago on Sunday I got out of the shower, looked in the mirror, and threw up a little in my mouth totally disgusted by the big, blob of a stomach that was attached to me? Looking down, there was no sign of a belly button. Just a big, round mass of fat. Ewww! The self-talk continued. "Fat is gross!" "What did you do to yourself?" "You will never be able to keep weight off." "25 pounds?! You gained 25 pounds in nine months?!" "This is who you will always be - FAT!" "SHUT UP!" With those two words, I woke up and thought back to the words of a wise friend. "It is time to change your self talk, Mandie." I experimented with it a bit on Sunday, with Monday being the day that I became conscientious of the things I said to myself. I wrote about running up hills using the mantra, "I am loving me!" It worked! There was no stopping me now. No diet for me. I am on the 'Love Yourself' way of...