While in Pueblo you were parents of my students, but more importantly, my friends. After all, McClelland is a family. We talked, joked, and confided in each other like sisters do. I left for summer looking forward to the change I would find upon my return. That year instead of excitement, the new school year brought chastisement, accusations, and allegations with no chance to speak. People I thought of as friends chased away my exhilaration. I put a smile on my face, determination in my stride, and met the school year head on - complete with demeaning, inept, and judgmental challenges that came my way. My team one of strength, bravery and courage holding me up with each new blow. As the fall turned into winter, I overcame distrust and welcomed you in again. Smiles, laughter, and honesty filled the year. When it was time for me to move on, you sent me on my way with warm wishes and promises to keep in touch. I said goodbye and began my new adventure. Whispers of your relief abou...
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