The weekend of the Marine Corps Marathon is here! I was
feeling pretty much ready, but there was still a bit of doubt. Today, all that
doubt was erased with a simple visit to Walter Reed Medical Center.
I would need a GPS to get around Walter Reed. There are so
many wings: Hero, Arrowhead, Liberty, President. Building galore: the hospital,
Wounded Warrior living quarters, parking garage, doctors’ offices. I have no
idea how we got to “Main Street” for lunch. While eating, we talked of life in
Alaska, our children, and a little bit about their journeys. When talking about
what he has been through since being hurt in 2007, Woody kept saying, “It will
be over soon. I’m almost there.” Focusing on what is ahead, not the past. Mentally,
I recorded his voice saying just that. I am ready to put in on repeat when I
just want to stop and be done.
Sean told me that Sgt. Shockley was probably there. On the ride up, Adam (Douglas’s cousin and my driver) asked Douglas if he knew him. He did! And even better I would be able to meet him. We waited for him in “Mats”, the room where PT takes place. While waiting, Charles (Douglas, remember?) told me all about how evolution of getting one’s legs. He pointed out the ropes used the first time walking with their new legs. And then a wheelchair came rolling in. The energy surrounding Sgt. Sam Shockley was powerful. He greeted me with a big smile. I went for the hug rather than the handshake. It was so good to meet the man I heard so much about. The smile disappeared and he got serious.

“Did he ever tell you about that day? Your son was incredible.
I credit him as being one of the ones who saved my life. He acted quickly,
called in the right people, and did what I would have done. He is one
incredible guy. Throughout it all, I never stopped talking smack.” (I
paraphrased that, but you get the idea.) The boost over the wall came from the
energy and positive attitude Sgt. Shockley offered to all who came into contact
with him. When that wall hits, I will reach out to those around me on the wall and
smile. We will gain strength from each other.
The important message being delivered, and we were back to
joking around. We had some fun taking pictures. Whether he was crossing them
for a formal picture or mugging for the camera as if I stole his legs, he does
it with a sense of humor and a smile as big as Ohio State winning the Orange Bowl.
(I am pretty sure that is the championship game.) And then some players from
the Wizards came in.
All too soon, it was time to battle rush hour traffic and
head to the hotel. However, I took with me the last of what I need to finish
the race successfully.
No Limits!
“It will be over soon. I’m almost there.”
Reach out to those around me and we will get through it
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