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Showing posts from 2018

An Easter Lesson

I decided that this break I was going to stay home and spend the week doing things I have not done or haven't done in awhile. It all began Thursday night with Ballroom Dancing, which will continue on Monday and Thursday with lessons. Saturday, I bought a couple of new outfits. Today brought both something I hadn't done in awhile and something new. Today, I went to church which was pretty cool in itself. I went with someone I just met the day before. (I am sure that is no surprise to any of you who know me.) We made plans to meet up at church. It was different from any church I had been in before. The chairs were set up "in the round." There was no piano or organ to accompany our singing. People were in and out throughout the 90 minute service. No surprise, the place was packed. The service was your typical protestant service, minus the organ, of course. It had been awhile since my friend had been to church. Many in the congregation flocked to him at the end to gi...

It happened again. 17 dead.

It happened again. 17 dead. I heard about the latest school shooting while at school. My stomach fell as I read the subject line of my email, unwilling to open it up and learn the particulars. The lock down drill we did at school the day before still fresh in my mind. "Ms. Robertson, what's going on?" Sixth graders don't often pay close attention to the words coming over the intercom. She just heard "lock down" and knew what she needed to do. I heard the fear in her voice. "It's just a drill," I told her. Immediately, her body relaxed. During the five minutes or so a drill takes, the scenario that goes through my mind is what would I do if it was not a drill. Yesterday, at Stoneman Douglas High School, it was not a drill. I cannot even imagine the chaos that ensued once it was realized that the fire drill was more about killing than saving lives. 17 students and teachers combined lost their lives yesterday at the hands of a broken young ...

Forgiveness and Love

I'm sorry. Two little words that mean so much and can be so hard to say.  I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry I left our family. I'm sorry my actions hurt you. Oftentimes, I speak those two words waiting for "It's okay." Even as they say it, I know it is not okay. My actions caused hurt. My actions created a chain reaction. My actions caused you to want to hurt me. Time passed. "Hello"  A simple phone call changed everything. We listened to each other. A conversation of honesty. A conversation of hurt. A conversation of tears. "I'm sorry." Two simple words with a lifetime packed into them. "I accept your apology.  I did not say it's okay because it wasn't.  I forgive you." Her love poured directly into my heart ...

#humpdaytext and Me

Be true to you. It will bring joy to you and those in your presence. However, there will be times that putting your truth into action will bring inner turmoil. Do it anyway. Grow through it. Trust yourself. Do you and have a HUMPtastic day!   🐪 🤔 💞 # humpdaytext For the past two years, I have been writing Hump Day Texts every Wednesday. They began as a way to spread some sunshine to others. A way for me to stay positive in a difficult time in my life. In the beginning, I sent them out to about ten close friends. They now go out to over 100 people with plans to make it grow even more. I know some day they will reach over ten thousand people. I am often asked if I write the texts or get them from somewhere. I write each and every one of them. Some weeks it is easier than others. When I sit down and listen to my truth, the words flow. You see, the texts have a tendency to mirror my world. Today's text was no different. It is easy to live our truth when everything is going rig...