Remember in the beginning of the year when students were whining every time I asked them to read? Here it is five months later. Oh, how they have changed their tune. Listen in on what they were saying today. A FRIDAY!
Dead silence for 45 minutes during first block. All heads were buried in a book.
“Mrs. Victor do you ever picture what you are reading in your head?” ~ 8th grade student
“Can I take the book home?” ~ 8th grade student (I have been trying every trick in the book to get him to read in class, let alone take a book home.)
“We should read all class. It is a good thing to do on a rainy day.” ~7th grade student
Students laying under tables, sitting with feet on the desks, wrapped in their jackets, sitting in the hall…all reading a book. ~8th grade student
“We want to keep reading silently!” ~ my entire 3rd block class when told to get to a stopping point in their books.
“This is a great book!” an 8th grade student.
“I am going over to a girl’s house from your other class. Can we read the book together?” ~8th grade student
When asked who was interested in reading the second book in The Hunger Games, all but two hands shot up. The library only has one copy.
I get so excited hearing the students talking about books. I can't keep quiet about it. THEY ARE READING!!
I get so excited hearing the students talking about books. I can't keep quiet about it. THEY ARE READING!!
That is the sign of a GREAT teacher!!!