I was observed teaching my 8 th grade Research class today. While I am pretty sure it was one of the worst observations I have ever had in my teaching career, I left the class excited. My excitement had nothing to do with what I perceived as a subpar lesson on my part, but everything to do with the ideas of the students. High School Prep: Research is a semester long class designed to teach students the skills necessary to conduct research and write a paper. This is the first year it has been taught at Franklin Academy. One of the things I love about it is creating the curriculum along with the other teacher who teaches a class of it. We are all about making it real for students. Therefore, the first research project is all about their interests. For the past six weeks, students have been researching a variety of topics from Taylor Swift to Why Hitler was such a powerful leader to ice cream to dance to tennis. Students have researched, created note cards, written outlines, and ...