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The Letter

“Mrs. Victor, I just forwarded an e-mail to you from the coach of last night’s soccer game. Be sure to read it when you have a minute and read it to your team at practice. I am going to read it over the announcements this morning,” the principal informed me.

Before I had time to check my e-mail, it was time for the announcements.

“Students, I would like to congratulate the volleyball team for their win yesterday. Their coach says she is very proud of them for doing such a good job. The soccer team also played. Before I tell you their score, I would like to read a letter to you that I received from the coach of the other team:

‘I wanted to take a moment to thank you and your boy's soccer coach for a pleasant, competitive experience in our game this evening.  It isn't often that we have an experience like todays, as sports these days seem to be so cutthroat and competitive.  Your team displayed a very positive sportsmanship even when they were not ahead in the game.  On more than one occasion one of my players fell to the ground and was helped up or concern was shown by one of your players.  This is an excellent example of the real purpose of middle school sports, to develop character in these young men.  Please pass my appreciation on to the soccer coach as well.  Thank you again.’ 

“Boys and girls, we are very proud of the boys’ soccer team and their coach, Mrs. Victor. Even though we lost, the team showed qualities much more important than winning the game. Enjoy your day here at Benson Middle School.”

The chatter in the classroom began almost immediately after the letter was read. I only have two soccer players in my homeroom, but they all were talking about the letter. This happened in every class. Throughout the day, soccer players could be seen standing tall and proud (although, limping a little). One of the football players asked me if he could join my team. I am happy to say (after checking it out with the coaches), we now have one more player on the team.

The high I got from the letter lasted all day long - until the Language Arts meeting at the end of the day. Within ten minutes of the meeting, I was completely and totally overwhelmed with all the acronyms being thrown around – EOG, PAP, and others I cannot recall at the moment. An alphabet soup of testing. I have no idea how I am going to do justice to it all. If my students don’t pass the EOG (End of Grade) test, and many of them don’t, I have to apply for a waiver for them, which includes lots of paperwork and documentation of what they learned over the year. More and more was added to my to do list on my job description. What it boils down to is that I need to teach in such a way that the kids are taught to think. The goal is for this thinking to lead to the passing of the EOG. For those of my students that didn’t pass last year, I am responsible for a PAP. Not to mention the IEPs that I need to follow and the PETs I need to attend. I was relieved when my PLC meeting came to a close.

Unfortunately, the frustration continued when I got home and found my mailbox lacking my last paycheck from McClelland. It has been nine days since the check has been mailed. My gas tank is close to empty. The cupboards are echoing. My car is yet to be registered. The yard needs to be mowed. All of this is waiting for the money to pay for it. On a bright note, I have a place to live while Tony still looks.


  1. Praying for you that your check will arrive by Monday, the gas tank will somehow be filled and food will end up on the table. You are a wonderful person Mandie and you will reap the benefits of all you do, as you can see already:)


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