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More Than Good

We are in the second week of school. I have close to 150 students a day, plan for four different subjects, and teach six periods a day in half the time I used to. After driving an hour, I get home and spend more time grading papers, preparing the next-day’s activities, or whatever else needs to be done. I have taken on coaching cross country and co-chairing Student Council. While I go to bed tired, I am not feeling overwhelmed even after missing two days last week. What is it about teaching this year that makes it so different? I believe it is a little bit of everything. Leadership, colleagues, students, curriculum, and of course, the pure joy of teaching.

Right from the beginning the leadership has treated us like professionals. We know our subject matter. We are expected to teach it to ALL students. We are trusted to follow the pacing guide and write lesson plans every week. We know the policies and procedures. It is up to us to follow them. I am sure there will come a day when “I’m sorry. I didn’t know” will come across my lips.  I am pretty sure when that day comes, I will be treated with dignity and respect.

My colleagues are absolutely amazing! I have yet to meet one that does not still enjoy teaching their subject matter to middle school students. The positive energy around the school is electrifying. I can’t help but add an extra bounce to my step as I walk through the hall. This is the first school I have worked in where I have yet to meet a ‘Debbie Downer.’ The support among my peers is wonderful. There is always somebody willing to help out whoever needs it with a smile on their face.

The students sit at their desks in their khakis and polo shirts ready for the day’s lesson. Not quite. They are usually chatting until I grab their attention in some crazy way. While many of the 8th graders sound like typical 8th graders, “This school sucks!” the 6th and 7th graders (and even some 8th graders) profess their like of Franklin Academy. They sing praises of the teachers, the point system, and how nice the other kids are. Many of the kids I do not have for classes have started to approach me wishing they had my class. However, they are not complaining about their teachers. They just heard we have fun in my classes.

I wasn’t sure I would be able to have much fun teaching Grammar. I am required to use a very structured curriculum. However, I have found that I can still be me and have fun while teaching it. Really, what makes it the most fun are the songs. In the beginning they were worried they would look stupid singing them. Needless to say, I led the way and they couldn’t help but join in.

In all areas of the subject matter I am teaching, I have someone to bounce ideas off of and plan lessons with. We talk methods. We talk learning styles and differentiation. We know our stuff. We are professionals doing our thing. Life in school is more than good. (Life outside of school is pretty amazing also.)


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