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OMG! School starts tomorrow! I am still trying to wrap my head around all I need to know. The team of 4 that I am used to working with has grown to 16. I have missed all the meetings discussing policies and procedures. I have two inclusion classes, yet I have no idea of the modifications and accommodations that I need to make. I have left school early the past two days to go to the central office – 30 minutes away. I hate to tell my principal that I am supposed to go again tomorrow! This time for a licensing meeting.

I am looking forward to all the challenges this year is going to bring my way. Not only everything mentioned above, but also the fact that I will have 75 students! Double the amount I have had in the past. I am looking forward to the activities that will be possible with more than a handful. I welcome the energy that comes from being 13 and 14. I anticipate networking with other teachers. All of this spins through my brain as the clock continues to tick.

Slowly throughout the day, my plan book began to take shape. Tomorrow, I will be focusing on team builders and getting to know each other. Currently, my desks are in rows. Not my preferred seating arrangement, but one I think might be necessary for the first day of school. That is, until I realize that the activities I want to do with the students need lots of open space. I might be changing the arrangement of my desks right before the students enter.

“I hear that you are in the same situation I am in,” a colleague said to me this afternoon. The situation on the front of my mind is the need to pull everything together before the students arrive. Not the situation she was referring to. “My husband lives in Connecticut. I live here with my 5 (did she say FIVE?!) children.” Upon further discussion, I learned that her youngest daughter was in 8th grade. What are the chances? I see it as another sign that we are in the right place. We have already begun to plan ways to get her and Patti together.

Paperwork is never fun in my eyes. It was no different today at the Human Resources office. I did get my ID badge, though, and that was rather fun. However, all the forms I had to fill out left a bit to be desired. And it is not done yet. I need to get my social security card figured out so homeland security doesn’t get me terminated. Then there is the bank account I need to set up. When I tried today, I was told it was too late and to come back tomorrow. Oh yeah, I need to get a physical in the next few weeks – at my expense. And tomorrow I go back to get my licensing done so I can get paid more than a first year teacher with just a BS. In the middle of figuring this all out, I get to teach.

I finally headed home. Twelve hours from when I left in the morning. I smiled the instant I arrived home and saw flowers on my front porch! A friend from long ago is following my journey and saw my empty table awaiting flowers. He took it upon himself to brighten my day with pinks and oranges of the blooming sunshine. Before I began my planning for the next day, I took the time to enjoy the beauty in front of me and appreciate all that has come my way. 


  1. It is really neat that in the midst of all the activity & confusion that you recognize the little things that Lord is mixing in so that you can stop for a moment or two to smell the roses. I'm sure it causes a bit of light heartedness. We will be praying for all your kids and you and the relationships that will be forming.

  2. If anyone can do this it is Mandie Robertson-Victor! You will not only do it - you will ROCK it! You are an amazing teacher and those exceptional kids will be blessed to have you!


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