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Wrapped in Love

I continue to revel in the way this is all coming together and the support I have around me. I have the best husband in the world. For the last week and a half, he has been doing the tough stuff – packing up the house. We talk each and every day. Even through his frustration of all my stuff, he loves me and supports me. Sana plugs away. Helping him out. The two of them together handling things in their own quiet, reflective way. Tony’s parents transporting ‘stuff’ from Colorado to Missouri. Colleagues from McClelland offering support and lending a helping hand at the yard sale. Patti putting total trust in whatever decision is made about where she will be. (She will stay with Jamie and Heather for a little bit yet.)

While I am in Georgia, my new colleagues are making magic happen for me in North Carolina. My assistant principal took the time to look at a house for me today. After that, he test drove a car. A fellow teacher e-mailed me to offer me a bedroom until I could move into my new house. These two plus the principal and man from human resources all gave me their phone number so I could contact them on the weekend!

Friends and family are offering support, love, and understanding as we embark on the next phase. Family has been there for me all along the way. Jamie and his family opened his home and welcomed Patti and I. Jennifer has been there with a listening ear or a kick in the ass when needed. And, of course, my mother and father granted glimpses of wisdom when needed, and continue to do so. My cousin, Rick, and his wife, Jo, set me up to get started in my new house. Friends offer support each and everyday through facebook, texts, and phone calls.

I could not have done any of this without all of you! Tomorrow, I leave for North Carolina. I believe with all my heart I am supposed to be there, although I have no idea why. All week I waited for calls to come about interviews closer to Tony. I let it all go and accepted what would be. After accepting the job in Benson, I was called to interview in Maine and Colorado. I was at peace when I hung up the phone after telling them I already accepted a job.

I am sure the road ahead will be bumpy at times, but I have no doubt the ride will be one to remember!


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