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I Got the Call!

I began the day a bit down in the dumps. (As is very evident from the earlier blog entry of the day.) I was missing my family. Wondering about the risk we took. Uncertain how it would all work out.

My brother, Jamie, insisted that Patti and I join his family for a Braves game. He bought us $1 tickets and told us to get to Turner Field. The great thing about Atlanta Braves games on a hot Sunday afternoon is that the turn-out is not very good. We followed Jamie toward his seats on the third base line and sat in a couple of empty ones about 20 rows back. By the end of the game, I was in the first row! Apparently it was too hot for many of the fans. The Braves trounced the Dodgers, 13-1. (Newly added to my bucket list: get to as many of the major league baseball parks as possible. I have been to three this summer alone!)

Upon returning ‘home’ I decided to check out the possibility of more jobs. Curiosity led me to Manchester’s website. (Manchester is about 30 minutes away from where Tony will be working.) Lo and behold, they have a ELA opening in their middle school. Once again, I found myself filling out applications. I wanted to get my application in as soon as possible. Therefore, I headed over to my cousin’s house to fax it.

Driving, I realized I missed a call. From North Carolina. I called the number and introduced myself. The woman on the other end of the phone was the principal of Benson Middle School in Benson, North Carolina. She wanted to know if I was still interested in the position. OF COURSE I WAS! After all my interviews in NC, Benson was my first choice. Not only will I get to teach Language Arts, there will be opportunity for leadership. I have been in close contact with a man in the Human Resources department working hard to figure out what I need to do to get certified in North Carolina. It is not a done deal yet. We still have more to figure out. First thing tomorrow morning, I will be calling him to find out if I have what it takes. If so, I will be employed! (Would you believe that by having the HR department do my certification it will only take a couple of days as opposed to four to six weeks?!)

I am now focused on the offer of a job. The reality of needing a place to live and transportation to get to and from work will have to wait until tomorrow.


  1. Did you think there would be any less for you. We have believed that our prayers would be answered and so they have are being answered. God bless and keep you sweetheart. I love u, Dad

  2. Did you end up sending the application to Manchester??

  3. I did send the application to Manchester. However, once I accept a job, I want to stay there for the year. I will know more tomorrow.


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