My day began
In search of a computer
Needing to print the day’s activities
Slow machines
Not letting me in
Change of plans
Students begin to arrive
Excited about their choice of seat
Migrating to the back row
Wondering about the new teacher.
I ask their names
Hoping to keep them in my head
They go wafting out like smoke from a chimney
Class begins
Reviewing the rule book
I call on him to read
He refuses
A battle of the wills
Refusing to engage
I let it go
Later I learn he could not read it
7th grade English inclusion class
Put on the spot
Cringing about how I made him feel
Determined to apologize tomorrow
Hoping to keep the rapport.
All students like games!
Not when they need to hold hands
Refusing to take the risk
My work cut out for me.
Loathing of the subject matter
Convinced they are not readers and writers
Embracing the challenge
Ideas begin to bounce around in my head
Knowing I can change their minds.
The Advanced Class saunters in
Taking their seats
Chatting as I take attendance
Reviewing the rules
They continue to chat.
Going around the room I ask their favorite subject
The lack of “Language Arts” is deafening
Turned off to reading
Dreading writing
Confidently I tell them,
“No worries! Soon you will be anticipating 2nd block.”
“Is this Language Arts, ma’am?”
Welcoming them in
Smile on my face
Talking music while we wait
“You know who ICP is?” he asked dumbfounded.
“I play the guitar and drums.”
Declining an invitation to play for the class.
Finally, they all arrive.
Introductions are made
Lunch interrupts our fun.
Assigned tables await – if only we could find them
Three seat changes later
Pizza, tacos, and other sustenance is ignored
In favor of socialization
Back in class
The games resume
Willing to hold hands
They step up to the challenge.
A leader emerges
Reputation sullying her
Meeting the challenge
Victorious in her quest.
Back in their seats
Repeating the question,
“What is your favorite subject?”
Once again, Language Arts is not heard.
I tell them to get ready
Soon it will be one of the best.
“I think I am going to like this class.”
Could be heard as they walked out the door.
A smile on my face from the day’s success
Seventeen years later
Time to go to officially change my name
It is done.
In the eyes of the US of A
The certification process begins.
Now the wait for more forms to be signed.
Heading home.
Loving everything the first day of school brings.
Oh, it sounds like a fabulous start!! And I think I would love being in your class. It's a really neat thing to be able to pass on a love of reading to someone! :)